
Pure Cloud is your doorway to the latest technology …

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Microsoft's License Mobility

Lower your IT infrastructure costs and increase accessibility …

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Product Overview

The Industrial Revolution resulted in mass production and reduced costs. In modern technology, cloud is the next revolution for computing.

Purecloud specialises in cloud technology, providing you with the best of this next revolution in computing. What makes Purecloud’s products bring the best out is simple, cloud computing is designed to lower costs, increase accessibility, increase security and heighten the ability to make changes to your IT network more efficiently. Purecloud’s products provide all this and more. Our partnerships with software giants such as Microsoft and VMware help us do this.

All Purecloud’s Servers are located in Australia and managed by local professionals. Our cloud products cover the three main areas: software, platform and infrastructure. It is important to cover these three areas, basically building strong foundations for your business to grow on, with added applications to enhance work productivity.

The three main products that Purecloud offers you are:

Zimbra Email Hosting

  • Zimbra is the world’s most sophisticated web application that sits in cloud software. Zimbra is designed to increase productivity and communication. It has accomplished this by simplifying everyday tasks and working collaborative with almost all types of computer mediums. 

VMware's Virtualisation

  • Virtualisation is your space on the cloud network, from data storage to cloud software and applications. Virtualisation will help your business grow, and also has the opportunity to lower your costs and increase security. 

Microsoft Cloud License Mobility

  • Microsoft Cloud License Mobility is simply taking your Volume Licence (VL) Microsoft products and placing them on a cloud network. This will increase your security, accessibility and lower your IT infrastructure costs. Purecloud has highly sophisticated servers to suit any business and VL product.

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Company Information

Purecloud Pty Ltd
ABN: 45 151 171 498

Level 4 Suite 402
225 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: (02) 9016 7136