Hosted Zimbra

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) How can Purecloud’s network save me money?

A1) Until recently, there have been two solutions: servers have either been located in-house or are out sourced, either way the full cost became your burden. Purecloud offers Virtualisation and Microsoft Cloud License Mobility on a shared server. This has now eliminated the need for you to account for the full cost of the hardware, maintenance and updates; it is now shared across several partitions.

The beautiful part is, you only pay for what you need, leaving no excess space that you have to maintain and pay for. Furthermore, you may upgrade your disk space, memory and general server capacity as your business grows with little fuss. Don’t worry about your information being on a shared server, only the costs are shared, not your private information.

Q2) How will cloud improve or give me a good Return on Investment (ROI) for my information technology (IT) structure?

A2) This is a difficult question to answer across the board, it all depends on what you need it for. Here are two examples:

If your organisation already deals with Microsoft Volume License (VL), products such as Exchange, and store them on a server in house, mobilising them on to Purecloud's network reduces your staffing, maintenance, licenses and any other costs into easy manageable monthly payments. Also as the servers are now shared, your overall costs will probably drop dramatically. Lower costs for updated technology will results in higher ROI.

Another example is, Zimbra, which will handle meetings and communication more efficiently. The shared calendar is a perfect example. If several sales or staff members are out of the office and the weekly meeting is brought forward an hour, all that is required from admin is to update the shared calendar, Zimbra will instantly sync all devices connected and notifying everyone about the change. Basically lowering the staff management time, allowing them to place more focus on the job.

These are just two of many ways that Cloud technology will help you.

Q3) When my data has been placed in to Virtualisation, where is it?

A3) For security reasons, the precise location of all our severs are not publicised, but all Pure Cloud’s servers are physically located in Australia.

Q4) What is Collaborative software?

A4) Collaborative software is a type of software that will work and link with multiple computer mediums. Zimbra is highly sophisticated Collaborative software, the reason is that it will link to almost all types of computer mediums and synchronize all that are connected to the internet simultaneously.

For example, a schedule change or notification will be sent to your PC, Mac, Iphone, Smart Phone, Tablet, basically anything you have linked to the internet. Furthermore, all this is done live and through one piece of software.

Q5) Why is security for my business important?

A5) As the internet and technology grow more into the business world, so do online criminals that seek either to gain profit or enjoyment by sabotaging your online network. Furthermore, the easier it is for them to break the system, the higher the chance that somebody will. If an online criminal does break into your private data, they have the ability to cause major harm to your business.

Having strong security is also appealing for your customers, they will have the peace of mind that their important and personal information is safe in your hands.

Q6) What makes cloud so secure?

A6) Cloud networks are as secure as the people who are running them make it. Purecloud has partnerships with major companies such as Microsoft and VMware that require a secure network with high standards in place before they sign over their products. Furthermore, Purecloud collaborates with a major security organistion, Content Security. Content Security has helped with the development of our safety and policy standards, ensuring they meet industry regulations.

Q7) Does Purecloud offer more products?

A7) Yes, if there are any further products that you would like delivered over the cloud, such as a range of applications, for example Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools and further Microsoft applications, we can provide that. Please place an enquiry.

Q8) What are Windows Volume License (VL) products?

A8) Windows VL products range from the Microsoft suite to Microsoft exchange, it basically covers all Microsoft products that require extra licences purchased based on the number of users. Microsoft Cloud License Mobility is the transfer of these products into a cloud infrastructure.

Q9) How much space do I require in the cloud?

A9) This depends on two main considerations. Firstly, how big is your business? Secondly, how many applications and data space do you require? As both of these factors is different for everyone, we recommend you to contact us, our staff are well trained in cloud technology and will happily provide you with the information you need.

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Company Information

Purecloud Pty Ltd
ABN: 45 151 171 498

Level 4 Suite 402
225 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: (02) 9016 7136